Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I am a bad Diabetic!

 I posted yesterday about how today was my sinus/allergy/ear/nose doctor appointment and today we had some nice light rain.  The rain was doing wonders for whatever ails me but still it keeps me from having to turn the sprinklers on.  This doctors office is in one of those medical office suburbs where it they look like a bunch of identical fancy houses but instead they are all offices with the same address just different suite numbers.  If you have been diabetic for any time you have definitely seen these suburb office parks.
 The time was getting past me while I drove around looking for number 503 and kept just coming across the 200's and the 100's till my small brain finally realized the numbers went from the 100's in the front to higher numbers in the back, not left to right.  The bad thing about these suburb doctors villages is that the parking is limited and it there was that light rain I was telling you about. 
 Lucky for me i found a great spot at the right doctors suburb office house thingie and I ran in only like ten minutes late.  I would have been on time except for my voyage to find the magical diabetes zamfir flute hidden building (OK, I know that made no sense but come on I have diabetes, give me a break). 
 The spot looked odd with the "no step" to the curb and I was feeling like a million diabetes bucks until two hours (yeah this doctor is real slow) and the rain had past and I noticed my truck was somewhere it should not be.
 I freakin parked in a handicapped parking spot!!!  How bad of a person am I?  The first thing I thought of doing was to do a citizens arrest and take myself to the county jail for this crime, then I thought about how I should have a ticket or my truck should be towed.  I did a quick walk around to see if any police officers had left information for me to pay a fine or ticket but nothing was there.
So, I just went back to work thinking how bad of a diabetic I am.  The good thing is that in the first photo in this blog is a picture of two other handicapped spaces that were clearly marked from the front that were empty the entire time I was at my appointment but, as I pulled out there was a usual vision that we have all seen coming into the parking lot.  The vision was of a classic 90's Chrysler mini-van with a handicapped rear view mirror dangle and as I pulled out the jumped or handied themselves into the spot I was in.  How in the world did I not see the giant blue paint job on the parking spot?  I must be going either crazy or lazy, either way I need to find a way to redeem myself for this error (even though it was completely not intentional) and do a good turn for someone that is handicapped.

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