Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Garmin Connect

Untitled by TheDiabeticCamper at Garmin Connect - Details

OK, I am trying this out.  The above link is my Sunday ride where I was disasterly slow.  Almost so slow I needed training wheels, but to my mountain of excuses it was a windy day and lots of hills (hopefully you don't notice my elevation change).  Then I can just move into allergies, sinus problems, and end it all with the cherry on top of my diabetes was acting up or something. 

Is it helpful to have a recording of your every breath, movement, and speed?  I would say that it is kind of neat to see how my heart rate moves and maybe I can do something with that data but in general having devices to document your every move seem to be less necessary than a mandatory item. 


  1. Lets get out there and do it again. Dont be so.hard on yourself

  2. I suppose it depends on your training purposes for your use with the devices.
    I find heart rate really helps me to see how I was feeling on that day. Heart rate fluctuates so much.

    A lot of the time I don't pay attention to the data.
