Can you see the crack in my knuckle on my "next to pinkie" finger? First, I have dry skin and this crack was first just some suttle sand paper on my knuckle. Then it progressed into a deep crease, and finally a nice rip in the old skin. Winter is not bad, I just feel like my body can't take the dry air and my skin just absolutely can't handle it. Everyone was telling me when they saw this tear on my knuckle that I should "start" to use some lotion. Then I have to let everyone know that I use lotion like ten times a day, just my skin is unbearably dry in the winter.
So here the crack started to peel and turned into a pretty looking nasty open knuckle wound. This sucks! I mean sucks, for I put lotion on and lotion on, and even more lotion. Now I have realized that four out of five of the lotion bottles I have are just generic stuff and have moved to that intensive repair stuff by Aveeno and Eucerin. Now that I have put down all the perfume lotions and use the "good" stuff the itch is no longer there, but still the dry skin lingers. Lots of fun for this diabetic, not to mention the other day my elbows felt like they were going to seize up and my arms wouldn't move for how dry they were.
My best cure so far is to use a warming humidifier in my bedroom with the door closed and slop my entire body down with lotion. I know this sounds like alot of complaining, it isn't (OK so yes it sounds like complaining) this is more of just admission that I can't cure this one thing that forces me to dis-like winter, it all boils down to my skin. I was thinking of going and getting a manicure but everyone that I have polled told me to just buy more expensive lotion. If you have anything that may help, even if it is some sort of drinking antifreeze or something please send it my way and I will try it out.
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