Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A view from the other side

I love that there are almost many people that miss reading my blog.  For some reason I have just been in like a year long or so funk and haven't had the energy to post random things that happen in my life lately.  I miss it as well and have recently had a gaggle of things that I have been trying to write about but they all just come down to half baked ideas and thoughts that aren't blog worthy.  Till recently when I just got the amazing juices flowing.

I have been single for a while now and dating ladies is a lot of fun.  The getting to know the basics of kids, home life, and hobbies.  Then the first date and everything else about the whole process is great.  I embrace pretty much anything and everything that comes my way or is in my life, sometimes I embrace having diabetes too much some say.  Who knows, but I just enjoy all of it and love the amazing adventures and opportunities that have come my way.

Recently I dated a lady who is right up my alley.  She loves to hike, has a great personality, and is very attractive.  We have been on three fun dates and then the wildest thing happened.  I was on the inter-web and came across a blog that she has.  How amazing is that?  Another huge awesome quality we share so she earns another gold star.  Curious as I am I clicked on the blog and it was like opening Pandora's box or something.  Come to find out that she is like a serial dater and her blog and not to mention book she has written is all about finding guys to date and write about it on her blog.  I enjoyed reading it so much because it is like seeing the dates from her point of view without telling me them directly making it more sincere and stuff.  From the beginning I knew that this was not "the one" or anything.  She is a brilliant thinker and I am closer to a box of wet hair in the deep thoughts category, but she has so many things that we share that dating would be fun.  So here is here blog:

Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I am played by the character named "Doug" and a few small details have been left out (I think to make me seem less awesome than I already am) like that she was actually 15 minutes late to our first date breaking her own rule number 1, I asked several follow up questions to the softball game but she is a fast walker and had to try to slow down and respond which might be why she  doesn't remember it all.  I did apologize about being late for dates number 2 and 3, but in her defense I went right into comedy and let her know exactly where I messed up with being on time.  Finally the science thing was during the movie and I enjoy short funny comments during a movie but didn't want a thesis statement about the real world and comic book wrong world science during the movie.  I would have loved to hear it afterwards.  My friend Ken is great at those discussions and I enjoy hearing them.  Small things, but I just wanted to share.  So if you would so kindly leave a quality response on her blog mentioning about how awesome this "Doug" guy sounds and lets have some fun with this!  Thanks for waiting so patiently while I gear the blog back up!